Terms of Service

Last updated: 24.05.2024.

These General Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions applying to and governing the usage of the Mongarr platform which curates the execution by tailors and the delivery of made-to-measure outfits generated by and to be delivered to customers.

The term “us” or “we” refers to Mongarr a company incorporated and registered under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, or other Mongarr company or cooperation partner where Mongarr services are not provided by Mongarr Nigeria. The custodian of freelance tailors subscribed to Mongarr’s platform charged with organising the dispatch and pickup of fabrics and outfits between tailors and customers using the platform.

In order to use Mongarr you must agree to the terms and conditions that are set out below:

1. Using Mongarr

1.1 Mongarr provides a service through the Mongarr website (and any other provided platform) that enables mediation of requests for tailoring services between the customers and tailor. Tailoring services are provided by tailors under a contract with Mongarr for the sewing of outfits. Tailors provide tailoring services on an independent basis (either in person or via a company) as economic and professional service providers. Mongarr is pseudo-responsible for the fulfilment of the contract entered into between the customer and the tailor. Disputes arising from consumer rights, legal obligations or from law applicable to the provision of tailoring services will be resolved between the customers and tailors. Data regarding the tailors and their service is available and within Mongarr’s possession, and receipts for orders are sent to the email address listed in buyer’s order.

1.2 . The customer enters into a contract with the tailor for the provision of tailoring services via the Mongarr website. By using Mongarr service to execute outfits on your behalf you agree that you have obtained full copyright or permissions for any images you provide us on our platform to guide in the reproduction of your outfits, indemnifying Mongarr of any copyright suites or allegations by any third party both locally and internationally. 

Depending on the payment options provided for the order, you can choose whether to pay for the tailoring service in cash by use of any one of Mongarr’s Payment options. Charges will be inclusive of applicable taxes where required by law. Charges may include other applicable fees, tolls, and/or surcharges including processing fees for payments.   

1.3 While placing an order on Mongarr website, customers’ details like email, names, mobile number may be requested and saved onto our database. Details of an order are anonymized before being sent to the chosen tailor. If you wish for your personal details not to be saved onto Mongarr’s platform please contact our Support and indicate your decision. Without indicating your desire not to have your data saved, all your information will contribute as data that can be used by Mongarr in designing marketing, sales, operational, and any other department that takes part in normal business decision-making. 

2. Promotional Codes

2.1 Mongarr may send you promotional codes on a per promotion basis. Promotional code credit can be applied towards payment on completion of an order or other features or benefits related to the service and/or a Third Party’s service and are subject to any additional terms that are established on a per promotional code basis. Expiration dates of promo codes will be reflected via your profile once you have applied the promo code to your account.

2.2 If your order amount exceeds the redeemable credit allocated to your order, the balance will be automatically deducted from your accounts payment method. Similarly, a promotional code credit only applies on a per order basis and cannot carry over to a next order and therefore will be forfeited. Only one promotional code may be applied per order.

2.3 Mongarr reserves the right to cancel any promotional code at any time for any reason. This includes, but is not limited to, if Mongarr deems that codes are being used in an unlawful or fraudulent manner, those issued mistakenly, and those which have expired.

3. Mongarr Payment

3.1 Depending on the payment options supported for the given location of the order, You can pay for the tailoring services with a card, mobile carrier billing or other payment methods as and when available through the Mongarr website or affiliated second-party. By providing Mongarr Payment service, Mongarr acts as a commercial agent for the providers of the tailoring services. Every tailor has authorised Mongarr as their commercial agent for the mediation of conclusion of contracts between the tailor and the customer, including the power to accept payments from the customers and to forward the payments to the tailor. Your obligation to the provider of the tailoring service will be fulfilled when the payment order is given to transfer funds to Mongarrs’ bank account. You, as a customer are responsible for ensuring that the payment takes place and ensuring that sufficient funds are available.

3.2 You may choose to pay a Tip to the tailor using the designated Mongarr Payment service. The fees can be paid via the platform Payment by means authorised by Mongarr for that purpose. Mongarr will hold a 30% commission for the brokerage of the Tip and the Tip will be transferred to the tailor, excluding any taxes, if applicable. Mongarr reserves the right to withhold the Tip, if the payment of the Tip is suspected as being fraudulent, illegal, for a purpose other than as a gratuity related to the service provided or used in conflict with Mongarr’s Terms and Conditions.

3.3 When making payments on Mongarr, Mongarr receives your payments and forwards money to the tailor. Mongarr may ask additional data from you to verify payment methods.

3.4 When making payments on Mongarr for tailoring services, Mongarr is not responsible for possible third-party payment costs (e.g transfer fees, bank fees). These service providers may charge you additional fees when processing payments in connection with the Mongarr supported Payment. Mongarr is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your payment method may also be subject to additional terms and conditions imposed by the applicable third-party payment service provider; please review these terms and conditions before using your payment method.

3.5 Mongarr will be responsible for the functioning of platform Payment and provide support in resolving problems. The resolution of disputes related to Mongarr Payment also takes place through us. For payment support service please use the Contact/Support Inquiries submitted by e-mail or via Mongarr website will receive a rapid response. Mongarr will resolve Mongarr Payment related complaints and applications within two business days.

3.6. Upfront Fare. ​You may be offered and agree to pay a fixed Fare for a given instance of Tailoring service provided by Mongarr on behalf of the Tailor. All order fees are shown in real-time while making the order. The fee shall only apply to the conditions stated within the order prior to payment. If you change or wish to change the content/expectations of your orders after the order has been created, that update will not take effect unless you wish to cancel your order; that is, if it falls within a 24 hour. You will be refunded upon deduction of logistic fees then you can place a new order showing your update. Where you wish to update your order 24hours after it is created, it will be impossible.

4. Ordering and cancelling tailoring services

4.1 If you order a tailored outfit, and you have paid the commensurate fees, and Mongarr doesn’t cancel it within 24 hours, you can assume your order is being executed.

4.2 Once your order is live, you will enter into a separate agreement with the tailor for the provision of the service on such terms and conditions as you agree with the tailor. Mongarr does not provide outfits and is not a party to your agreement with the relevant tailor.

4.3 Cancelling an order within a 24 hour window is quite possible with approximate refunds upon deduction of cancellation fee, but impossible beyond that window..

4.4 If you cancel an order on multiple successive instances within a week, we may temporarily flag and bar orders with your details for warning. After multiple such warnings, we may suspend your account for a longer period (e.g 6 months). After that period you could ask to reactivate your account and your application will be reviewed by Mongarr.

4.5 Sometimes our tailors are required to ask questions regarding an order in order to properly understand the order. If you do not hear from Mongarr 24 hours after creating an order, endeavour to reach out to be sure your order is being treated. But if your order is cancelled 24 hours after it is created (or the fabric has been picked up), and you do not receive any feedback from us, please raise a dispute.

4.6 We are required to deliver your outfit within your stated deadline once we are unable to cancel it within 72 hours from order. A cancelled order beyond this point will lead to penalties on the side of the party initiating cancellation.

4.7 If you have requested tailoring services using the Mongarr and you observe any damage to your fabric or its accessories (among others, by blemishing or staining or defacing the garment), the customer will have the right to raise a dispute on this order.

5. Licence to use Mongarr

5.1 As long as you comply with these General Terms and Conditions, we agree to grant you a royalty free, revocable, non-exclusive, right to access and use the Mongarr platform in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Notice and all applicable terms. You may not transfer or sub-license this right to use the Mongarr platform. In the event that your right to use Mongarr is cancelled, the corresponding non-exclusive licence will also be cancelled.


6. Mongarr’s Rights and Responsibilities

6.1 As the Mongarr platform is an information society service (a means of communication) between customers and tailors, we cannot guarantee or take any responsibility for the quality or the absence of defects in the provision of tailoring services. As the usage of Mongarr for requesting tailoring services depends on the output of the tailors, Mongarr does not guarantee that you will always have on stand-by tailors available for the provision of the tailoring services.

6.2 The Mongar platform does not offer or broker tailoring services for customers. It is also not a tailoring agency service for finding customers for tailoring services providers. The Mongarr platform is used as the means for organising the provision of tailoring services through pre-assessed tailors subscribed to our platform.

6.3 The consumer’s right of refund is not applied to Mongarr orders. Requesting a refund from the tailoring service does not withdraw you from the agreement in the course of which the provision of the tailoring service was ordered. 

6.4 The service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Mongarr does not represent, warrant or guarantee that access to Mongarr platform will be uninterrupted or error free. In case of any faults in the website, we will endeavour to correct them as soon as possible, but please keep in mind that the functioning of the platform may be restricted due to occasional technical errors and we are not able to guarantee that the platform will function at all times, for example a public emergency may result in a service interruption.

6.5 Mongarr, its representatives, directors and employees are not liable for any loss or damage that you may incur as a result of using Mongarr or relying on, the outfits contracted for through the Mongarr platform, including but not limited to:

6.5.1. any direct or indirect property damage or monetary loss;

6.5.2. loss of profit;

6.5.3. loss of business, contracts, contacts, goodwill, reputation and any loss that may arise from interruption of the business;

6.5.4. loss or inaccuracy of data; and

6.5.5. any other type of loss or damage.

6.6 The financial liability of Mongarr in connection with breach of the contract will be limited to N13,000. You will have the right to claim for damages only if Mongarr has deliberately violated the contract. Mongarr will not be liable for the actions or inactions of the tailor and will not be liable for damages that the tailor causes to the customers.

6.7 You agree to fully indemnify and hold Mongarr, their affiliate companies, representatives, employees and directors harmless from any claims or losses (including liabilities, damages, costs and expenses of any nature) that they suffer as a result of your use of the Mongarr platform (including the outfits you obtain through your use of the Mongarr platform).

6.8 Mongarr may immediately end your use of the Mongarr platform if you breach these General Terms and Conditions or we consider it necessary to protect the integrity of Mongarr or the safety of tailors.

7. Good practice using the Mongarr platform

7.1 As Mongarr is not a provider or broker of the tailor services, any issues with defects or quality of the tailoring services will be resolved in accordance with the rules and regulations of the tailoring service provider or the relevant public authority.

7.2 We ask to fill out a feedback form on the Mongarr platform. This enables us to offer suggestions to the tailors for improving the quality of their service.

7.3 We expect that you use the Mongarr platform in good faith and be respectful of the tailors who offer their services through Mongarr. Mongarr retains the right to close your account if you have violated the terms set out in this General Terms and Conditions or if your activities are malicious, i.e. withholding payment for the provision of the tailoring service, fraud, being disrespectful towards the tailors, dispatch personnel or any representative of Mongarr, etc. In these cases, your Mongarr account may be revoked without prior notice.

7.4 Mongarr will make every effort to ensure that only tailors, who have integrity and are respectful of their profession and customers, will remain and use the Mongarr platform. However, we are in no position to guarantee that every provider of tailoring services, located by or subscribed to the Mongarr platform, satisfies the aforementioned criteria at all times. If you experience objectionable tailoring service, please notify us via our customer support.

8. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions

8.1 If any substantial amendments are made to the General Terms and Conditions, then you will be notified by e-mail or Mongarr notifications. If you continue using the Mongarr platform, you will be deemed to accept the amendments.

9. Final Provisions

The General Terms and Conditions will be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. If the respective dispute resulting from General Terms or Agreement could not be settled by the negotiations, then the dispute will be finally solved. If any provision of the General Terms is held to be unenforceable, the parties will substitute for the affected provision an enforceable provision that approximates the intent and economic effect of the affected provision.

Terms for Tailors

General Terms for Drivers

These General Terms set forth the main terms and conditions applying to and governing the usage of the Bolt Services. In order to provide Transportation Services via using the Bolt Platform you must agree to the terms and conditions that are set forth below.


1.1. 1.1. Bolt (also referred to as “we”, “our” or “us”) – Bolt Operations OÜ a private limited company incorporated and registered under the laws of Republic of Estonia with registration code 14532901, registered office Vana-Lõuna tn 15, Tallinn 10134, Republic of Estonia, or other Bolt group company or cooperation partner where Bolt Services are not provided by Bolt Operations OÜ. The list of Bolt group companies and partners is available at https://bolt.eu/cities/. 1.2. Bolt Services – services that Bolt provides, including provision and maintenance of Bolt App, Bolt Platform, In-app Payment, customer support, communication between the Driver and the Passenger and other similar services. 1.3. Bolt App – a smartphone application for Drivers and Passengers to request and receive Transportation Services 1.4. Bolt Platform – technology connecting Passengers with Drivers to help them move around cities more efficiently. 1.5. Passenger – a person requesting Transportation Services by using Bolt Platform. 1.6. Driver (also referred to as „you“) – the person providing Transportation Services via the Bolt Platform. Each Driver will get a personal Bolt Driver Account to use Bolt App and Bolt Platform. 1.7. Agreement – this agreement between Driver and Bolt regarding the use of Bolt Services which consists of: 1.7.1. these General Terms; 1.7.2. special terms displayed in Bolt App, e.g regarding price info or service descriptions; 1.7.3. the Drivers guidelines; and 1.7.4. other terms referred to in this Agreement as may be amended from time to time. 1.8. Fare – the fee a Passenger is obliged to pay Driver for provision of the Transportation Services. 1.9. Bolt Fee – the fee that Driver is obliged to pay to Bolt for using the Bolt Platform. 1.10. In-app Payment – cards, carrier billing and other payment methods used by the Passenger via the Bolt App to pay for the Transportation Services. 1.11. Bolt Driver Account – access to a website containing information and documents regarding usage of the Bolt Services in course of provision of Transportation Services, including accounting documentation. Driver may access the Bolt Driver Account at https://partners.bolt.eu by entering username and password. 1.12. Tip-a gratuity offered by the Passenger at their sole discretion in addition to the Fare paid. 1.13 Transportation Services – transport service a Driver is providing to Passenger whose request Driver has accepted through the Bolt App.


2.1. Prior to using the Bolt Services, you must sign up by providing the requested information in the signup application on website and uploading necessary documentation as required by us. You may sign up either as a legal or a natural person. Upon successful completion of the signup application, we will provide you with a personal account accessible via a username and password. By clicking the „Sign up” button located at the end of the signup application, you represent and warrant that: 2.1.1. pursuant to valid legal acts, you are entitled to enter into an agreement with us to use the Bolt Platform for providing the Transportation Service; 2.1.2. you have carefully studied, fully understand and agree to be bound by these General Terms, including all obligations that arise as provided herein and from Agreement; 2.1.3. all the information you have presented to us is accurate, correct and complete; 2.1.4. you will keep Bolt Driver Account accurate and profile information updated at all times; 2.1.5. you will not authorize other persons to use your Bolt Driver Account nor transfer or assign it to any other person; 2.1.6. you will not use the Bolt Services for unauthorized or unlawful purposes and impair the proper operation of the Bolt Services; 2.1.7. at all times, you fully comply with all laws and regulations applicable in the state you are providing Transportation Services in, including (but not limited to) laws regulating passenger transportation services; 2.2. You are obliged to provide your bank requisites in course of filling the payment details upon registration. In case you are a legal person, you must insert the bank account of the company. We are transferring In-app Payment fees to the bank account that you have provided. We are not liable for any incorrect money transactions in case you have provided wrong bank requisites. 2.3. After submitting the signup application, you will receive an e-mail with additional conditions that must be met in order to use Bolt Services. These conditions may include providing criminal records, valid driving license, satisfactory technical state of the vehicle, completion of a training course, owning a GPS-supporting mobile device and other conditions as described in the pertinent e-mail. The failure to comply with the provided requirements and conditions may result in termination of the Agreement and right to use the Bolt Services. 2.4. You agree that in specific cities or countries Bolt Operations OÜ may assign any of our obligations arising from the General Terms or Agreement to Bolt group companies and partners. This includes, among else, assigning the rights and obligations regarding reviewing documents related to signup applications, trainings, collection of Bolt Fees, forwarding you the fees due, mediating In-app Payment, licensing the Bolt App, etc. Details of the Bolt group companies and partners can be accessed here https://bolt.eu/cities. 2.6. Registering the account as a legal person (i.e. a company). You are considered to be a legal person, if the recipient of the fees is marked as a legal person in payment details (as accessible in the Bolt Driver Account). In such case, the indicated legal person is considered to be the provider of Transportation Services and a party to these General Terms, Agreement and any further agreements. Only the specific natural person indicated in the signup process may factually provide the Transportation Services. Such natural person may use the account of the Driver only if he/she has read and agrees to be bound by these General Terms and any further documentation that is part of the Agreement. THE LEGAL PERSON IN THE PAYMENT DETAILS AND THE NATURAL PERSON FACTUALLY PROVIDING THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES UNDER BOLT ACCOUNT SHALL REMAIN JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY LIABLE FOR ANY INFRINGEMENT OF THE GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENT CONDUCTED BY THE DRIVER. 2.7. Registering Bolt Driver Account as a fleet company. Upon concluding a separate agreement, a fleet company may itself register accounts to its employees and/or service providers. In such case the fleet company shall be required to ensure that its employees and/or service providers conform to the requirements of General Terms, Agreement and any further agreements and agrees to act in accordance and be bound with its conditions and obligations. The fleet company and its employees and/or service providers shall remain jointly and severally liable for any infringement conducted by such employee and/or service provider.


3.1. License to use the Bolt App and the Bolt Driver Account. Subject to your compliance with the Agreement, We hereby grant you have a license to use the Bolt App and the Bolt Driver Account. The license does not grant you the right to sublicense or transfer any rights to the third persons. Regardless of the above and if so agreed separately, fleet companies may sub-license the Bolt App and the Bolt Driver Account to the members of its fleet. 3.2. In course of using the Bolt App and/or Bolt Driver Account you may not: 3.2.1. decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code of the Bolt App, the Bolt Driver Account or other software of Bolt; 3.2.2. modify the Bolt App or the Bolt Driver Account in any manner or form or to use modified versions of the Bolt App or Bolt Driver Account; 3.2.3. transmit files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other programs that may damage or adversely affect the operations on Bolt Platform; 3.2.4. attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Bolt App, Bolt Driver Account or any other Bolt Services. 3.3. The License granted herein revokes automatically and simultaneously with termination of the Agreement. After termination of the Agreement you must immediately stop using the Bolt App and the Bolt Driver Account and we are entitled to block and delete Driver account without a prior notice. 3.4. Using tags and labels of Bolt. Additionally, we may give you tags, labels, stickers or other signs that refer to Bolt brand or otherwise indicate you are using the Bolt Platform. We grant you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use such signs and only for the purpose of indicating you are providing Transportation Services via the Bolt Platform. After termination of the Agreement you must immediately remove and discard any signs that refer to Bolt brand. 3.5. All copyrights and trademarks, including source code, databases, logos and visual designs are owned by Bolt and protected by copyright, trademark and/or trade secret laws and international treaty provisions. By using the Bolt Platform or any other Bolt Services you do not acquire any rights of ownership to any intellectual property.


4.1. The Driver’s Obligations. You hereby guarantee to provide Transportation Services in accordance with the General Terms, Agreement as well as laws and regulations applicable in the state where you are providing Transportation Services. Please note that you are fully liable for any violation of any local laws and regulations as may arise from providing Transportation Services. 4.2. You must have all licenses (including a valid driver’s license), permits, car insurance, liability insurance (if applicable), registrations, certifications and other documentation that are required in the applicable jurisdiction for providing the Transportation Services. It is your obligation to maintain the validity of all aforementioned documentation. Bolt reserves the right to require you to present evidence and submit for review all the necessary licenses, permits, approvals, authority, registrations and certifications. 4.3. You must provide the Transportation Services in a professional manner in accordance with the business ethics applicable to providing such services and endeavour to perform the Passenger’s request in the best interest of the Passenger. Among else, you (i) must take the route least costly for the Passenger, unless the Passenger explicitly requests otherwise; (ii) may not make any unauthorised stops; (iii) may not have any other passengers in the vehicle other than the Passenger and the passengers accompanying the Passenger; and (iv) must adhere to any applicable traffic acts and regulations, i.e must not conduct any actions that may disrupt driving or the perception of traffic conditions, including holding a phone in his/her hand while the vehicle is moving. 4.4. You retain the sole right to determine when you are providing the Transportation Services. You shall accept, decline or ignore Transportation Services requests made by Passengers at your own choosing. 4.5. Costs you incur while providing the Transportation Services. You are obliged to provide and maintain all equipment and means that are necessary to perform the Transportation Services at your own expense, including a car, smartphone, etc. You are also responsible for paying all costs you incur in the course of performing the Transportation Services including, but not limited to, fuel, mobile data plan costs, duty fees, amortization of the vehicle, insurance, relevant corporate or payroll taxes etc. Please bear in mind that using the Bolt App may bring about consummation of large amount of data on your mobile data plan. Thus, we suggest you to subscribe for a data plan with unlimited or very high data usage capacity. 4.6. Fares. You are entitled to charge a fare for each instance you have accepted a Passenger on the Bolt Platform and completed the Transportation Service as requested (i.e. Fare). The Fare is calculated based on a default base fare, the distance of the specific journey as determined by the GPS-based device and the duration of the specific travel. The default base fare may fluctuate based on the local market situation. In markets with In-app payment, you may negotiate the Fare by sending us a pertinent request that has been either signed digitally or by hand. Additionally, you shall always have the right to charge the Passenger less than the Fare indicated by the Bolt App. However, charging the Passenger less than the Bolt App indicates, does not decrease the Bolt Fee. 4.7. Upfront Fare. ​A Passenger may be offered to use a ride option that allows the Passenger to agree to a fixed Fare for a given instance of Transportation Service provided by you (i.e Upfront Fare). Upfront Fare is communicated via the Bolt App to a Passenger before the ride is requested, and to you when the ride is accepted or at the end of the ride. The Fare calculated in accordance with section 4.6 shall be applied instead of Upfront Fare if the Passenger changes the destination during the ride, the ride takes materially longer than estimated due to traffic or other factors, or when other unexpected circumstances impact the characteristics of the ride materially (e.g a route is used where tolls apply). 4.8. In markets with In-app payment, if you find that there has been an error in the calculation of the Fare and wish to make corrections in the calculation of the Fare, you must submit a petition in the section „Fare Review“ of the Bolt App. If a petition in the section „Fare Review“ of the Bolt App has not been submitted, then Bolt shall not recalculate the Fare or reimburse you for an error made in the calculation of the Fare. This option is not applicable in markets with only cash payment. 4.9. Bolt may adjust the Fare for a particular order completed, if we detect a violation (such as taking a longer route or not stopping the fare meter of the Bolt App after the Transportation Services have been completed) or in case a technical error affecting the final fare is identified. Bolt may also reduce or cancel the fare in case we have reasonable cause to suspect a fraud or a complaint by the Passenger indicates a violation by you. Bolt will only exercise its right to reduce or cancel the fare in a reasonable and justified manner. 4.10. Passenger may have the option to pay the fare for the Transportation Services either directly to you or via the In-app Payment, in markets where this option is available, as described in section 6 of these General Terms. In case the Passenger pays the Fare directly, it is your obligation to collect the Fare. In case the Passenger fails or refuses to pay, Bolt will send a notice of debt to the Passenger on behalf of you. Such authorisation derives from the mandate of paying agent given to Bolt and does not entail that Bolt has an obligation to compensate the Fare not paid by the Passenger. If the passengers in the vehicle do not agree to pay the Fare for the provision of Transportation Service, the Fare will be paid by the Passenger who has ordered the provision of Transportation Service. If Passenger justifiably refuses to pay the Fare on the account that your information stated in the Bolt App is incorrect, then Bolt will not reimburse you for such expenses. 4.11 Tips. In some markets Passenger may be given the option to tip you after a successful provision of Transportation Services. The Passenger can Tip you only by means authorised by Bolt for Tipping. The Tip will not affect the amount of Bolt Fees and Bolt will not collect a commission on the Tip paid by the Passenger. You are obliged to fully comply with any tax obligations arising from the Tipping. We may limit the maximum value of a Tip at our sole discretion. 4.12. Receipts. After each successful provision of Transportation Services, Bolt shall create and forward a receipt to the Passenger consisting of some or all of the following information: the company’s business name, place of business, the first name and surname of the Driver, a photo of the Driver, service license number (if applicable), the registration number of the vehicle, the date-, the time-, the start and end locations-, the duration and length-, the Fare and the Fare and Tip paid for the provision of the Transportation Services. The receipt of each provision of Transportation Services is available to you via the Bolt Driver Account. 4.13. Cancellation fee & wait time fee. Passenger may cancel a request for Transportation Services that a Driver has accepted via the Bolt App. In some markets, Driver may be entitled to the Fare for cancelled Transportation Services (Cancellation Fee) in the event that a Passenger cancels accepted request for Transportation Services after certain time period determined by Bolt App. 4.14. If, in the course of the provision of the Transportation Services, a Passenger or its co-passengers negligently damage the vehicle or its furnishing (among else, by blemishing or staining the vehicle or causing the vehicle to stink), you shall have the right to request the Passenger to pay a penalty up to 50 EUR and request compensation for any damages exceeding the penalty. If the Passenger does not consent to paying the penalty and/or compensating the damage, you must notify us and we will then try to collect penalty and/or relevant costs on the your behalf from the Passenger. However, bear in mind that we are not taking any liability for direct or indirect damages in relation to cleaning or maintenance of the vehicle caused by Passenger. 4.15. Your tax obligations. You hereby acknowledges that you are obliged to fully comply with all tax obligations that arise to you from the applicable laws in relation to providing the Transportation Services, including (i) paying income tax, social security tax or any other tax applicable; and (ii) fulfilling all employee and tax registration obligations for calculations in regard to accounting and transfers to applicable State authorities as required by the applicable law. In case the Tax authority will submit a valid application to us to provide information regarding the activities of you, we may make available to the Tax authority the information regarding the activities of you to the extent set forth in valid legal acts. Additionally, it is your obligation to adhere to all applicable tax regulations that may apply in connection with the provision of Transportation Services. You hereby agree to compensate Bolt all state fees, claims, payments, fines or other tax obligations that Bolt will incur in connection with the obligations arising from applicable tax regulations not having been met by you (including paying the income tax and social tax). 4.16. The Driver’s authorisation to issue invoices. Bolt has a right to issue an invoice on your behalf to the Passenger in order to compensate you any Fares, contractual penalties or other fees that Bolt mediates to you. In markets where Bolt issues invoices, the invoice will be made available to you via the Bolt Driver Account.


5.1. In order to use the Bolt Services, you are obliged to pay to a fee (i.e. the Bolt Fee). The Bolt Fee is paid based on the Fare of each Transportation Service order that you have completed. The amount of the Bolt Fee is made available to you via e-mail, Bolt App, Bolt Driver Account or other pertinent means. Please acknowledge that the Bolt Fee may change from time to time. We shall send you a prior notification of each such change. 5.2. You must pay the Bolt Fee and any other fees due to us for the previous month at latest by the 15th date of the following month. Upon delay with payment of the Bolt Fee, you shall be obliged to pay a penalty of late payment in the amount of 0,04% (zero point zero four percent) of the unpaid amount per day. You are obliged to cover all costs incurred by us, which are related to debt collection activities.


6.1. We may enable Passengers to pay for the Transportation Service via cards, carrier billing and other payment methods (Bolt Business etc) directly in the Bolt App (i.e. In-app Payment). You hereby authorise us as your commercial agent to receive the Fares or other fees paid by the Passenger via In-app Payment and to forward relevant funds to you. Any payment obligation made by the Passenger via the In-app Payment shall be considered fulfilled as of the time that the payment has been made. 6.2. You may not refuse payment by the Passenger via the In-app Payment, or influence the Passenger against the use of the In-app Payment. In case you refuse to accept an In-app Payment without just cause, we shall be entitled to charge you a contractual penalty in the amount of 15 Euros for every refusal and/or block your right to use the Bolt Services in case of repetitive behaviour. 6.3. Bolt reserves the right to distribute promo code to riders at our discretion on a per promotional basis. You are required to accept the use of promo code only when the rider applies the code in-app to a trip using card payment. Promo codes may not be applied to cash paid trips. If the use of promo codes is suspected as being fraudulent, illegal, used by a Driver in conflict with our Terms and Conditions relating to promo code use, then the promo code may be canceled and the outstanding amount will not be reimbursed by Bolt to the Driver. 6.4 If the option is available and the Passenger chooses to Tip you directly in the Bolt App, the Tip will be collected by Bolt on your behalf together with the Fares and other fees paid by the Passenger via the In-app Payment. If the payment of the Tip is suspected as being fraudulent, illegal, for a purpose other than as a gratuity related to the service provided or used by a Driver in conflict with our Terms and Conditions and, then the Tip can be withheld by Bolt. 6.4. You are entitled to review In-app Payment reports in the Bolt Driver Account or App. The reports will show the amounts of the In-app Payments brokered in the previous week as well as the withheld amounts of the Bolt Fee. You must notify us of any important circumstances which may affect our obligations to collect and distribute the Fares paid via In-app Payment. 6.5. We are not obliged to pay you the Fare due from the Passenger if the In-app Payment failed because Passenger’s credit card or other payment is cancelled or is unsuccessful for other reasons. In such case we will help you in requesting the Fare due from the Passenger and shall transmit it to you once the Passenger has made the requested payment. 6.6. Before providing Transportation Services, you must verify that the service is being actually provided to the right Passenger or the Passenger has expressly confirmed he/she allows other passengers to ride under Passenger’s account. If you make a mistake in identifying the Passenger, and the In-app Payment is charged to a person, who has not been provided or has not approved the Transportation Services for other passengers, then we shall reimburse the person for the Fare. In such case you are not entitled to receive the Fare from us. Additionally, for every wrongfully applied In-app Payment, we shall be entitled to charge you a contractual penalty up to 10 Euros. 6.7. Please note that we will set off any Fares or Tip paid via In-app Payment against the amounts that you are obliged to pay to us (i.e. Bolt Fees and contractual penalties). We reserve the right to fulfil any of your financial liabilities to any Bolt group companies, in which case we will acquire the right to submit a claim against you. We may set off any of your financial liabilities against financial liabilities that you may have against us. 6.8. If we are not able to pay the Fees or Tip to you due to you not including your bank account details in your Driver´s account or if the bank account details have been noted incorrectly, then we will hold such payments for 180 days. If you do not notify us of the correct bank account details within 180 days from the date that the right to claim such payments has been established, your claim regarding the payment of the Fare or Tip not transferred to you shall expire.


We provide the Drivers customer support regarding the use of the Bolt Services. We have the right to stop providing the customer support services in case you are in delay with any of the payments for more than 5 (five) calendar days.


8.1. In order to guarantee high-quality service and provide additional reassurance to Passengers, you hereby acknowledge that the Passengers may provide you a rating and leave feedback regarding the quality of the Transportation Services that you have provided. Your average rating will be linked to your Driver´s account and will be available to Passengers at Bolt App. If we find out the rating or comment is not given in good faith, this rating or comment may not be projected in the calculations of your rating. 8.2. In addition to the rating, we measure your level of activity and provide you with an activity score, which is based on your activity regarding accepting, declining, not responding and completing Transportation Service requests. 8.3. In order to provide reliable services to Passengers, we may determine a minimum average rating and a minimum activity score that Drivers must establish and maintain. If, after a pertinent notification from us, you do not increase your average rating or activity score to minimum level within the prescribed time period, your Driver´s account will be automatically suspended either temporarily or permanently. We may reverse the suspension of your account if it is merited by any external circumstances or it is detected that the suspension was caused by a system error or false ratings.


9.1. Market overviews. We may send you, via the Bolt App, Bolt Driver Account, SMS, e-mail or other means, market overviews, in order to increase your awareness regarding when the demand by the Passengers is highest. Such market overviews are merely recommendatory and do not constitute any obligations for you. As the market overview estimations are based on previous statistics, we cannot give any guarantees that the actual market situation will correspond to the estimations provided in the market overview. 9.2. Campaigns promising minimum income. We may also provide campaigns, whereby we will guarantee a minimum income if you provide Transportation Services within a specified timeframe. If the specified minimum is not reached by you, we shall compensate the gap. The specific requirements and conditions will be sent via the Bolt App, Bolt Driver Account, SMS, e-mail or other means. We have full discretion in deciding if, when and to which Drivers we provide such campaigns. If we have reasonable cause to suspect any fraudulent activity by you, we may withhold your Fare until the suspicion of fraud has been cleared. 9.3. Campaigns for Passengers. We may also occasionally arrange various campaigns to Passengers in order to promote the Bolt Platform. If the Fare paid by the Passengers is reduced as part of such campaign, we shall pay you compensation, amounting to the monetary value of the benefit offered to the Passengers. We may set off the marketing compensation against the Bolt Fee.


10.1. You hereby acknowledge and agree that we provide an information society service and do not provide Transportation Services. By providing the Bolt Platform and Bolt Services, we act as marketplace connecting Passengers with Drivers to help them move around cities more efficiently. You acknowledge that you are providing the Transportation Services on the basis of a contract for carriage of passengers and that you provide the Transportation Services either independently or via a company as an economic and professional activity. Bolt, as the operator of Bolt App acts as the commercial agent of the Drivers for the mediation of conclusion of contracts between the Driver and the Passenger, and thus, among other things, accepts payments from the Passengers and forwards the payments to the Driver. 10.2. You acknowledge that no employment agreement nor an employment relationship has been or will be established between you and us. You also acknowledge that no joint venture or partnership exists between you and us. You may not act as an employee, agent or representative of us nor bind any contract on behalf of us. If due to the implication of mandatory laws or otherwise, you shall be deemed an employee of us, you hereby agree to waive any claims against us that may arise as a result of such implied employment relationship. 10.3. You may not transfer your rights and obligations deriving from the General Terms or Agreement to any third party.


11.1. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Notice, available at https://bolt.eu/en/legal/privacy-for-drivers/ 11.2. Bolt has access to all personal data and other data provided or generated in connection with your use of the Bolt Services. Bolt shall take all reasonable steps to ensure confidentiality of such data and comply with all applicable Privacy Policies and laws whenever such data contains personal data. Except where otherwise provided by applicable Privacy Policies and laws, Bolt maintains access to such data also after the Agreement between you and Bolt is terminated.
11.3. You have access to personal and other data provided by you or generated in connection with your use of the Bolt Services to the extent that is made available to you under your Bolt Driver Account through Bolt App. You shall take all reasonable steps to ensure confidentiality of such data and comply with applicable Privacy Policies and laws as long and to the extent that such data contains personal data of Passengers.


12.1. The Bolt Platform is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that access to Bolt Platform will be uninterrupted or error free. As the usage of Bolt Platform for requesting transportation services depends on the behavior of Passengers, we do not guarantee that your usage of the Bolt Platform will result in any Transportation Service requests. 12.2. To the maximum extent permitted under the applicable law, we, nor Bolt’s representatives, directors and employees are not liable for any loss or damage that you may incur as a result of using the Bolt Services, including but not limited to: 12.2.1. any direct or indirect property damage or monetary loss; 12.2.2. loss of profit or anticipated savings; 12.2.3. loss of business, contracts, contacts, goodwill, reputation and any loss that may arise from interruption of the business; 12.2.4. loss or inaccuracy of data; and 12.2.5. any other type of loss or damage. 12.3. The financial liability of us in connection with violating the General Terms or Agreement will be limited to 500 euros. You shall have the right to claim for damages only if we have deliberately violated the General Terms or Agreement. 12.4. We shall not be liable for the actions or non-actions of the Passenger or co-passengers and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may incur to you or your vehicle as a result of actions or non-actions of the Passenger or co-passengers. 12.5. You shall be fully liable for breach of the General Terms, Agreement or any other applicable laws or regulations and must stop and remedy such breach immediately after receipt of a respective demand from us or any state authority. You shall indemnify us for any direct and/or indirect loss and/or damage, loss of profits, expense, penalty, fine that we may occur in connection with your breach of the General Terms, Agreement and laws and regulations. If Passenger presents any claims against us in connection with your provision of Transportation Services, then you shall compensate such damage to us in full within 7 (seven) days as of your receipt of the respective request from us. In case we are entitled to present any claims against you, then you shall compensate us any legal costs related to evaluation of the damages and submission of claims relating to compensation for such damage.


13.1. The conditions expressly specified in these General Terms shall enter into force as of submitting the signup application. Agreements and other terms shall enter into force once the specific document or message has been made available to you and you commence or continue providing Transportation Services on Bolt Platform. 13.2. You may terminate the Agreement at any time by notifying Bolt at least 7 (seven) days in advance, after which your right to use the Bolt Platform and Bolt Services shall terminate. Bolt may terminate the Agreement at any time and for any reason at the sole discretion of us by notifying you at least 3 (three) days in advance. 13.3. Bolt is entitled to immediately terminate the Agreement and block your access to the Bolt Platform without giving any advance notice in case you breach the General Terms or Agreement, any applicable laws or regulations, disparage Bolt, or cause harm to Bolt’s brand, reputation or business as determined by Bolt in our sole discretion. In the aforementioned cases we may, at own our discretion, prohibit you from registering a new Driver account. 13.4. We may also immediately suspend (block) your access to the Bolt Platform and to the Bolt Driver Bolt Driver Account for the period of investigation, if we suspect an infringement of the Agreement or fraudulent activity from your behalf. The block of access will be removed once the investigation disproves such suspicions. 13.5. We are aiming to provide the highest quality service to all Passengers therefore we are monitoring the activity of Drivers on Bolt Platform. If you fail to meet the minimal service requirements, such as the minimal rating and activity score, we are entitled to immediately terminate the Agreement without giving any advance notice. 13.6. Additional requirements and safeguards provided in Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 (Regulation) shall apply where the termination of the Agreement or blocking of the access to the Bolt Platform affects the rights of the Driver or fleet company using the Bolt Services for the provision of Transportation Services in the member state of the European Union or European Economic Area (Member State). 13.7. The Driver and fleet company referred to in section 13.6 (Business User Operating in the Member State) has the right to challenge the termination of the Agreement, blocking, and other alleged non-compliance of Bolt with the Regulation, in accordance with the Internal Complaint-Handling System Rules for Business Users of Bolt.


14.1. Bolt reserves the right to amend these General Terms anytime by uploading the revised version on its website (https://bolt.eu/legal/) and notifying you (e.g. via e-mail, Bolt App or Bolt Driver Account) whenever, in the reasonable opinion of Bolt, such amendments are material. 14.2. Bolt shall provide at least 15 days advance notice (e.g. via e-mail, Bolt App or Bolt Driver Account) about the amendments that affect the rights of Business Users Operating in the Member State, unless: 14.2.1. Bolt is subject to a legal or regulatory obligation which requires it to amend the General Terms in a manner which does not allow it to respect the advance notice period; 14.2.2. immediate amendment is required to address an unforeseen and imminent danger related to health, safety or cybersecurity risks, or defending the Bolt Services, Passengers or Drivers from fraud, malware, spam or data breaches; 14.2.3. you have elected to waive the advance notice period (e.g. you continue to use Bolt Services after receipt of the notice of amendment); or 14.2.4. in the reasonable opinion of Bolt, amendments are beneficial for the Drivers and do not require technical adjustments from them. 14.3. If you do not agree to the amendments of the General Terms or other conditions of the Agreement, you have the right to terminate the Agreement by discontinuing the use of the Bolt Services and providing termination notice to Bolt. The termination of the Agreement takes effect on the effective date of the proposed amendment, unless otherwise provided in your termination notice. Your use of the Bolt Services on or after the effective date of the amendment constitutes your consent to be bound by the General Terms or Agreement, as amended.


15.1. The General Terms and Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Republic of Estonia. If the respective dispute resulting from General Terms or Agreement could not be settled by negotiations, then the dispute shall be solved in Harju County Court.


16.1. You are obliged to immediately notify us of any changes to your contact information. 16.2. Any notice required to be given under the General Terms and Agreement shall be sufficiently given if: 16.2.1. delivered personally, 16.2.2. sent by courier with proof of delivery, 16.2.3. sent by registered mail, 16.2.4. sent by e-mail or 16.2.5. made available via the Bolt App or Bolt Driver Account. 16.3 Any notice which is sent or dispatched in accordance with the previous clause shall be deemed to have been received: 16.3.1. if delivered personally, at the time of delivery to the party; 16.3.2. if delivered by courier, on the date stated by the courier as being the date on which the envelope containing the notice was delivered to the party; 16.3.3. if sent by registered mail, on the 10th day after handing the document over to the post office for delivery to the party; 16.3.4. if made available via the Bolt App or Bolt Driver Account, or 16.3.5. if sent by e-mail, on the day the party receiving the e-mail confirms receiving the respective e-mail or on the 2nd day following the dispatch of the e-mail provided that the sender has not received an error notice (notifying that the e-mail was not delivered to the party) and has sent the e-mail again on the next calendar day and has not received a similar error notice.


If any provision of the General Terms is held to be unenforceable, the parties shall substitute for the affected provision an enforceable provision that approximates the intent and economic effect of the affected provision. Date of entry into force of the General Terms: 12.07.2020.